Forums / Roleplaying / Prominence 2

Prominence 2
22:35:37 Nov 21st 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

This is a new and improved version of the last one. It is not complicated, most of the list is only if you rule a country. I have included EVERYTHING on this list. The stuff you should read in the beginning is highlighted.

Prominence 2


The goal of this RP is to come to prominence by any means necessary. You can either protect the people and be rewarded with gold and land, or take the gold and land from their corpses. It is completely up to you.

This will feature PP, or Prominence Points. You will need a certain amount to get a rank within the world of Ersos. Each real-life day equals two months, but you only need to post for one day. :-)


Good/Evil - These depend on how you play. If you're a Highwayman who kills for cash, you'll be evil, if you're a valiant protector, you'll be good.
High Emperor/Supreme Overlord - 75 PP - You control the world - 10,000,000 gold a day, you must be an Emperor/Overlord for at least thirty days.
Emperor/Overlord - 50 PP - You control an entire continent - 1,000,000 gold a day, you must be a King/Conquerer for at least twenty-five days.
King/Conquerer - 35 PP - You control a country - 100,000 gold a day, must be a Duke for at least twenty days to recieve this title.
Duke - 25 PP - You control a Duchy, 10,000 gold a day, must be a Lord for at least fifteen days to recieve this title.
Lord - 15 PP - You control a city - 3000 gold a day.
Knight/Ringleader - 5 PP - You command a band of followers - 0 gold a day.
Peasant - 0 PP
Slave - -10 PP

If you become a slave, you must wait ten days to have a fifty percent chance of escaping, or you can start over. You get negative PP points when you refuse to show up for military service.

Starting out

You start out with nothing but a shack, you can buy almost anything, land, slaves, armor, weapons, just about anything, if you have enough you can buy a whole country!

Obese - Keep eating lots of sweets.
Overweight - Eat lots of sweets.
Plump - Eat a few too many sweets.
Slim - Starting build.
Athletic - Eat red meat for three days and you'll get this build, best for balanced combat.
Muscular - Eat red meat for five days and you'll get this build, slows you down in combat.
Overly-Muscular - Eat red meat for seven days and you'll get this build, makes you extremely slow in combat, good for you if you want to be some sort of berserker with a massive hammer, otherwise, don't get this big...

Naturally, starting out with a shack means you can't fight, you can learn through several paths, you can become a soldier, mercenary, guard, or you can learn at an academy, but that takes money, which you get from a normal job.
Level one jobs are available from the beginning, then there are different class jobs you can have depending if you go to the academy and learn the skill required.

Job list

Level one
Farm hand - 30 gold a day.
Barkeep - 30 gold a day.
Butler - 40 gold a day
Assistant - 20 gold a day, you will learn the skill of your master after two days of work. After obtaining the rank of Journeyman in the chosen skill you may not go higher.
Soldier - You are given a free course at the academy, you learn out to fight, you recieve a shortsword, but you are not payed. You service is over in two days. You may be callen upon in times of war, you will be rewarded for your service with PP and gold.

Class R - Skill required: Reading
Scholar - 400 gold a day.
Librarian - 200 gold a day.
Priest - 300 gold a day.

Class F - Skill required: Fighting
Highwayman - Slays the weak and innocent and steals their valuables - 375 gold a day.
Mercenary - Depends on rank.
Bodyguard - 300 gold a day.
Protector - Defends the weak and innocent - 350 gold a day.

Class T- Skill required: Tactics
Military Officer - Depends on your rank.
Also required to wage wars.

Class M - Skill required: Mathematics
Scientist - 375 gold a day.
Engineer - 380 gold a day.

Class O - Skill required: Oration
Diplomat - 400 gold a day
Lawyer - 350 gold a day.

Class S - Skill required: Smithing
Smith - 250 gold a day, you can make certain weapons for yourself instead of recieving pay, but you must buy the metal.
Armorer - 300 gold a day, you repair weapons for the army.

Class C - Skill required: Thieving or fighting - Obtain thieving for a hundred gold from a shadowy figure behind the academy.
Assassin - Fighting = 200 gold a day, F+T = 400 gold a day, always a five percent chance of getting caught and put in jail for ten days (RL days...). Fighting required for minimal wage, thieving and fighting are both required for maximum wage.
Thief - 200 gold a day, twenty percent chance of being caught and thrown in jail for a day, five percent chance of stealing 400 gold. Thieving required.
Thug - 250 gold a day, requires the fight skill.

Upgrading a skill one rank will give you double the pay from your job, so if you become a smith, and you go learn veteran forging for 1000 gold, you will be payed 500 gold instead of 250 gold per day.

Food - You must eat at least one of these a day.

Red meat - 15 gold, will help you gain and maintain an athletic build, which makes you stronger in melee combat. Don't eat more than three in a row unless you want to be a lumbering tank in battle.

Bread - 5 gold, does nothing for your build, but it fills you up!

Doughnuts - 10 gold, makes you gain an obese build...which does nothing but slow you down...


Reading - 1000 gold

Fighting - 100 gold, free with becoming a soldier for two days.

Tactics - 1000 gold

Math - 1000 gold

Oration - 400 gold

Smithing - 500 gold

Thieving - 100 gold

Ranging - 300 gold.

Journeyman: 1000 gold a day for seven days, on the seventh day you will be a journeyman of magic.

Veteran: 3000 gold a day for seven days, on the seventh day you will be a veteran of magic.

Expert: 9000 gold a day for seven days, on the seventh day you will be an expert of magic.

Master: 27,000 gold a day for seven days, on the seventh day you will be a master of magic.

Courses are expensive...gotta make them that way or people becoming scholars will buy them all with their first paycheck, a course takes a day to complete and by the end of the day you will be a journeyman in that area. The ranks are:

Each rank costs triple the previous, so if you learn Journeyman fighting with your two days in the army, you will pay three hundred gold for veteran, nine hundred for Expert, and 2700 for Master.


You may also learn through books! Though it takes a week to learn by reading, and you must have at least a journeyman skill level in reading to learn

Mathematics for Novices - 550 gold - Teaches Journeyman Mathematics.

Mathematics for Journeymen - 1100 gold - Teaches Veteran mathematics.

Advanced Algebra - 2200 gold - Teaches expert mathematics.

Advanced Calculus - 4400 gold - Teaches master mathematics.

Basic Tactics - 600 gold - Teaches Journeyman tactics.

Intermediate Tactics - 1200 gold - Teaches veteran tactics.

The Life of General Xarxes - 2400 gold - Teaches Expert tactics.

The Techniques of General Vordomor - 4800 gold - Teaches Master tactics.

Forging for Novices - 250 gold - Teaches Journeyman smithing.

Reading for Journeymen - 1200 gold - Teaches Veteran reading.

Reading for Veterans - 2400 gold - Teaches Expert reading.

Reading for Experts - 4800 gold - Teaches Master reading.

The Techniques of Avason - 1000 gold - Teaches Journeyman Oration.

The Techniques of Vorsumar - 2000 gold - Teaches Veteran Oration.

The Techniques of Telvodon - 4000 gold - Teaches Expert Oration.

The Techniques of Gorsovon - 5000 gold - Teaches Master Oration.

Armor and weapons

Iron dagger - 100 gold

Iron shortsword - 200 gold

Iron longsword - 300 gold

Iron trendarat (This is for you Erunion, as I know you'll ask if I don't include it, I think I spelled it right...) - 325 gold

Iron greatsword - 400 gold

Iron chainmail shirt - 300 gold.

Iron chainmail coif - 150 gold

Iron cuiress - 400 gold

Iron pauldrons - 150 gold.

Iron boots - 200 gold.

Iron gauntlets - 200 gold.

Iron helmet (barbute, greathelm, or armet) - 400 gold.

Yew longbow - 100 gold, arrows cost 50 gold per dozen.

Yew shortbow - 75 gold, arrows cost 50 gold per dozen.

5000 gold coins - One room house with kitchen.

7000 gold coins - Two room house with kitchen.

10000 gold coins - Three bedroom house with kitchen.

13000 gold coins - Four bedroom house with kitchen.

15000 - two story home, six bedrooms, with kitchen.

17000 - two story home, six bedrooms, with kitchen and swimming pool.

30000 - Large estate, twenty bedrooms, with kitchen and swimming pool.

50000 - Massive castle, fifty bedrooms, armory, treasure room, prison, barracks, and stable.

Housing is quite expensive, you can upgrade your current shack though, but not much.


five acres - 1000, you recieve 200 gold a day if you choose to farm it.

Ten acres - 5000, you recieve 400 gold a day if you choose to farm it.


There are many ways to have fun, each costs a day, so if you have a lot of money and you want to have your character have fun for the roleplaying factor...some have a chance of giving money back...remember, all work and no play makes you a dull boy! (Not really...)

Go drinking: If you drink too much your liver goes to hell and death is the result.
Cost - 20 gold.

Play cards: You have a 20% chance of winning fairly, 90% with cheating, however you have a 50% chance of getting caught and thrown in jail for 3 real days. Cost - 50 gold, Possible winnings - 400 gold.

Go swimming: Do this three days in a row to gain an athletic build.

Vandalism: Considered fun to some people (I consider it annoying...). You have a 50% chance of getting caught, if you do you're in jail for 3 days.

Play chess: Intellectual game, 30% chance of giving you a journeyman tactics skill if you're a novice.

Horse racing: Costs 100 gold unless you own a horse, which reminds me, I need to add horses! Anyways, 10 gold if you have one. You always recieve a weak horse if you pay...

Horses -

Purposes - You can ride them into battle on cavalry charges, use them for transportation, or you can race them.

Stabling - For any horse it costs 100 gold a day. You have your own stable if you have a large estate, so you'd only need to buy food for 10 gold a day.

Old weak horse - 150 gold. Chance of winning horse race - 2%.
weak horse - 200 gold - 5%
old average horse - 400 gold. 10%
average horse - 1000 gold. 15%
old strong horse - 2000 gold. 30%
strong horse - 3000 gold. 50%
old champion horse - 5000 gold. 60%
champion horse - 10000 gold. 75%
godly horse - 30000 gold. 90%. Can only be bought if you rule a country.]]


If you are a knight, you may have six followers, you can pick one veteran skill for them to have, and two journeyman skills for them to have.

Naval vessels

Landing craft: 1000 gold.
Small sloop: 2000 gold
Medium sized sloop: 5000 gold.
Sloop of War: 7000 gold
Small trading barque: 5000 gold
Large trading barque: 10000 gold
Small Brigantine: 10000 gold
Brig of War: 15000 gold
Small trading Fluyt: 10000 gold
Large fluyt: 20000 gold
Small frigate: 30000 gold
Large Frigate: 40000 gold
Trade galleon: 30000 gold
Massive trade galleon: 40000 gold.
Ship of the Line: 50000 gold.
Dreadnought: 100000 gold (Not the modernish one, I'm talking a massive wooden's also somehow fast, though not maneuverable.)]]



Journeyman: 10,000

Veteran: 30,000

Expert: 90,000
Master: 270,000

Army - You can buy troops, but they cost upkeep. You have one hundred city guards by default, but you can have more. Warning: If you can't afford the upkeep, they will abandon you, also, all men can be taken by the King/Queen or Duke/Duchess if he/she needs them.

100 men - 1000 gold, 100 gold a day upkeep
500 men - 5000 gold, 500 gold a day upkeep.
1000 men - 10000 gold, 1000 gold a day upkeep.
5000 men - 50000 gold, 5000 gold a day upkeep.
10000 men - 100000 gold, 10000 gold a day upkeep.

You may start a guild for 10,000 gold, though you must be a master at the skill the guild specializes in. Examples: Guild of Scholars, Mercenaries Guild, Engineers Guild. You recieve 3,000 gold a day for owning a guild hall, three prominence points for being a Guildmaster, and a special room in the guild hall to act as your quarters.

Being a Guildmaster is a passive job, meaning you don't have to work it to recieve 3,000 gold a day

Now giving the option to buy buildings to own them! You can either work in them, or hire NPCs to work in them while you do other stuff, such as work elsewhere! These are the keys to BIG money! You can own up to three taverns,


Cost: 5000 gold
Money recieved if you work there: 400 gold a day
Money recieved if you don't work there: 200 gold a day
Cost: 10000 gold
Money recieved if you work there: 800 gold a day.
Money recieved if you don't work there: 400 gold a day.
Cost: 20000 gold
Money recieved if you work there: 1600 gold
Money recieved if you don't work there: 800 gold

Cost: 10000 gold.
Money recieved if you work there: 400 gold a day.
Money recieved if you don't work there: 200 gold a day.
Can have one custom weapon or armor piece built a day, you must obtain the ore if you want anything above iron (steel, mithril, adamantium).

Cost: 5000
Money recieved if you work there (all week): 2800 gold a week.
Money recieved if you don't work there: 1400 gold a week.

Cost: 10000
Money recieved if you work there (all week): 5600 gold a week.
Money recieved if you don't work there: 2800 gold a week.

Cost: 20000
Money recieved if you work there (all week): 11200 gold a week.
Money recieved if you don't work there: 5600 gold a week.


A lot of money, but they pay for themselves in around twenty days time...there are countries in other, larger continents, but for right now lets focus on this one...]]

Religious Structures

To start a religion you must be a veteran in reading and at least an expert in oration. You must also say whether your religion is polytheistic or monotheistic. Currently the humans are a bunch of religions out must also build buildings for your religion:

Chapel - 3000 gold
Church - 10000 gold
Cathedral - 40000 gold
Grand Cathedral - 100000 gold

You gain 5% of the total cost of the building per day, so if you had one chapel you'd gain 150 gold a day. Each building takes one day per 10000 gold, the chapel takes one day as well. You can build up to fifteen buildings. This works the same way Guilds do, you don't have to work in it to earn the money.

With age comes wisdom, but you also become senile. Upon reaching sixty years of age, your fighting and ranging skill drops automatically to veteran. Upon reaching seventy, they drop to journeyman. Upon reaching eighty, all of your skills drop to journeyman, and your fighting drops to novice. Upon reaching ninety (which is ancient for these guys!) you die of old age and your children (if you have any) take your holdings and titles (except for military ranks like Colonel and Sergeant).

22:45:32 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

I'm in. I guess I start with nothing but the shack.

First thing, I'll search out a farm to become a farmhand.

22:53:59 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Delran:

I'm in!
When do you start?

23:06:11 Nov 21st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

[[I don't think I can do this a 2nd time...sorry]]

23:31:01 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Dethos III:

I'll try it.

23:58:06 Nov 21st 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

[[OOC: Alright, first, you must make your sheet, you will post this every day you post (turn). This is to keep track of your gold, age, and pretty much everything else. Without it the game would go down the tube. You can choose to start outside or inside of any capital city. You start with a shack, ten coins, and rags for clothes. Good luck, have fun! Start when you want to, this is a free-join type of game. :-)

Name: Validus Septim
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Age: 18 (everybody starts off at age eighteen...)
Gold: 10 coins
Validus was born to Tiber and Ava Septim in the town of Vaeneer, where he helped his father farm until he was fifteen. Tragedy struck the poor peasant boy when his mother and father were killed when a carriage lost control and struck them both. After burying his parents, he sold the lands around his shack for one hundred coins. He lived off of that until he was eighteen. Now, with only ten coins and a small shack outside Seris, he plans to make the most of his life.]]



23:58:20 Nov 21st 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

02:50:54 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Delran:

Name: Delran
Height: 6.1'
Weight: 140 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Age: 18 (everybody starts off at age eighteen...)
Gold: 10 coins

Born in Seris as the son of an enpoverished noble, Delran learned everything about life at court and nobility. Because his financial state couldn't afford it, Delran received only scare education. He could write, read and do basic math. After his fathers death, he was left with a shack ne*beep*ris and 10 coins in his pocket.

03:41:10 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Morning:

Name: Blaze

Height: 5.5'
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Purple 

Build: Semi-Muscles
Age: 18 (everybody starts off at age eighteen...)
Gold: 10 coins

Blaze doesn't have a last name for no one knows who his parents were, so everyone just calls him Blaze. Blaze had been found on the doorstep of Yagur, and Isladia who both raised him from childhood, in the small town of Rugar located in the country of Ulen. After he had turned 16 though Blaze decided to move to the capital city of Ulen, where he has yet to find work. 

[{[Can I have unnatural colors plz?]}]

05:22:46 Nov 22nd 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

[[OOC: You start out with a slim build by the way. :-). And if you'd like those, you can have them. :-). It's your guy, all I ask is that you're eighteen, slim, and human, the rest is up to you.]]

11:39:21 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Name: Karzun Demonsul
Height: 6.2'
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black

Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 10 coins

Demonsul came ot these lands as a passenger on a ship, fleeing another land for who-knows-what reason. He spent all but ten coins on the journey, and is quite happy to settle down in this land. Searching out a farm on the north edge of Ulen, Demonsul acquired a job as a farm hand and began to work the fields. His plans were great, but he knew it would be a while before they would work...

14:10:52 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Morning:

[[when do we start?]]

16:52:22 Nov 22nd 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

[[OOC: Now! :D. And if you decide to join the military, they feed you while you're being trained. :-). Also, make sure you only post once a day.]]

Septim woke up and began getting ready. His eighteenth birthday was today, and at last he could get a job. He got dressed in a set of rags that had once been a decent pair of clothes and walked down to the recruiting office in Seris. Inside was a rather slim Sergeant.
"You looking to join the Serillian Military?" asked the Sergeant.
"Yes," said Septim.
"Right, name?" asked the Sergeant.
"I am Validus Septim, I am eighteen," said Septim.
"Okay. You are now a Recruit of the Serillian Military. Report to the Quartermaster for your weapon and uniform, then report to the instructor for training," said the Sergeant.
"Alright," said Septim.
"When you talk to me, you say YESSIR! Got it?" asked the Sergeant.
"Yessir," said Septim.
"Good, now get your @rse down to the Quartermaster," said the Sergeant.
Septim walked down to the Quartermaster, where he recieved a Serillian shortsword that was made of iron, and a uniform. He put his new uniform on and buckled his shortsword, he then walked down to the training grounds where he began his training. Afterwards he ate in the mess hall and went to the barracks to sleep.

Name: Validus Septim
Occupation: Serillian Military (in training 1/2)
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Age: 18 (everybody starts off at age eighteen...)
Gold: 10 coins
Weapons: Serillian iron shortsword
Clothing: Serillian Army uniform]]

21:35:54 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul works on the farm. The day is uneventful. After some time, he goes to the market and spends five coins to buy some bread, he then eats it on the way back to the farm.

After the uneventful day, he lies on a wooden board that is his bed in the shack the farmer had been kind enough to give him, thinking about the future...

Name: Karzun Demonsul
Height: 6.2'
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black

Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 35 coins (+30 wage, -5 bread)

23:23:19 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

i'd join but its alittle too complicated. It would probly be better if you didn't introduce it all in bulk, and only released the new options when someone has got to the stage where they may be able to afford them, otherwise its a bit too mind-boggling.

01:33:10 Nov 23rd 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

[[OOC: Only read the highlighted parts! That's the only bit you need to read right now...:-)]]

02:25:01 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Delran:

After a few days of thinking about his future, Delran realised that the only decent thing he could do was to join the military. A military career would be best for him because of the blood that run's through his veins. It would not be a shame to start from the bottom. He could not ask for more due to his condition, and none would ever give an army to a young and unexperienced man.
After all this, he went to the recruiting office in Seris and joined the army. After signing in, he was sent to the quartermaster to receive his equipment. He put on his new clothes, the serilian army uniform and buckled his iron shortsword, received along with the uniform.
He then headed towards the training grounds. He was introduced un the basics of close combat and was even given as example to the other recruits by the drillmaster. When the training session finished, Delran went to the mess hall, where he ate, and then to the barracks we was assigned to get some rest after a days work.

Name: Delran
Ocupation: Serilian Army recruit
Height: 6.1'
Weight: 140 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 10 coins

Buildings: shack
Weapons: Serilian iron shortsword
Clothes: Serilian Army Uniform

12:36:09 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul decides to move on. Two months on the farm had added a little weight to his pockets, enough to see him through the coming times. After bidding farewell to the kind farmer, Demonsul set out. He walks for a few days, buying some bread in the villages he passes.
Eventually, he comes to a town called Mitse. Almost immediately, a fat man in a shiny breastplate with sergeant's stripes comes up to him. "Well, here's a new lad. Care to join the Ulen Royal Forces?"
"Well, I--" begins Demonsul, but is cut short by the red-faced man.
"Great, great! Come this way!" Grabbing Demonsul by the arm, he dragged him into the town. After a while, they came to a military building. Going inside, the sergeant went through a pile of papers from a desk, until he found a form. "Sign here," he said, bustling around. Confused, Demonsul did as he was told. He had no idea what was going on, but obeying the fat sergeant was probably the quickest way out.
"Right, welcome to the army," said the sergeant. "Go down to the quartermaster to get kitted up, then go to the training fields." Once again obeying the sergeant, Demonsul managed to work out what was going on. Ah well, he thought, soldiering is a job, and as long as there is no war I'm in no danger.
Receiving a Ulen Iron Shortsword and a Ulen Army Uniform, Demonsul headed down to the training fields, where he stabbed training dummies for most of the day.
Heading back into town at sunset, Demonsul found that his shack had somehow been teleported to the outskirts of town. Deciding not to ask any questions, Demonsul went inside, and lay down to sleep.

Name: Karzun Demonsul
Height: 6.2'
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Build: Slim
Age: 18y 2m
Gold: 30 coins (-5 bread)
Weapons: Ulen Iron Shortsword
Clothes: Ulen Army Uniform

18:23:13 Nov 23rd 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

[[OOC: Tomorrow (if you joined the military yesterday) you will be able to go to the university, there you can learn one free skill. :-)]]

After another hard day's work, Septim finished his training. He was given the rank of Private and one last meal in the Mess Hall, he than walked to his shack. After a brief swim in a nearby stream, he saw that it was too late to do anything else, so he went to bed.

Name: Validus Septim
Titles/Ranks: Private of the Serillian Army
Occupation: Serillian Military (in training 2/2 - Completed)
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Age: 18 (everybody starts off at age eighteen...)
Gold: 10 coins
Fighting - Journeyman
Weapons: Serillian iron shortsword
Clothing: Serillian Army uniform]]

12:19:26 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Another training day, the last one, for Delran. He was than sent to the caompany commander, where his release papers were signed. He received the rank of private an was told that starting from tomorrow was was free, but he may be called to active duty in case of war. Delran than went to the mess hall for his last meal there and to the barracks. Packed up his things o leave tomorrow at first light and went to sleep.

Name: Delran
Titles/Rank: Private of Serilian Army
Ocupation: Serilian Military (in training 2/2 - Completed)
Height: 6.1'
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 10 coins

Fighting - Journeyman

Buildings: shack
Weapons: Serilian iron shortsword
Clothes: Serilian Army Uniform

13:41:39 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Salaracen The Frostwaken:

[[OOC/ starting off stats]]
Name: Salaracen Vineraven
Height: 8'
Weight: 121 lbs.
Hair color: Raven Black
Eye color: milky blue
Build: Slim
Age: 18 (everybody starts off at age eighteen...)
Gold: 10 coins

Salaracen opened his eyes. Today was the first day in his life that he would choose to do something for himself, rather than to do work with his family Salaracen had decided to move out and begin his own life. Salaracen decided the best thing to do would be to get some experiance in the army and so off he went and joined the army.

Name: Salaracen Vineraven
Height: 8'
Weight: 121 lbs.
Hair color: Raven Black
Eye color: milky blue
Build: Slim
Age: 18 (everybody starts off at age eighteen...)
Gold: 10 coins
Weapons: Serilian Iron short sword
clothing: Serilian Army Uniform

14:57:15 Nov 24th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

Validus woke up and made his way down to the academy, where he used his free course to become an orator. After he was done he walked down to the bakery, grabbed a loaf of bread, and walked down to the Foreign Relations Department. After recieving a job as a Diplomat, he walked home, where he swam and ate. After that, he went to sleep.

Name: Validus Septim
Titles/Ranks: Private of the Serillian Army
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Age: 18 (everybody starts off at age eighteen...)
Gold: 5 coins
Fighting - Journeyman
Oration - Journeyman
Weapons: Serillian iron shortsword
Clothing: Serillian Army uniform]]

16:44:48 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

After waking, Demonsul bought some more bread to keep his stomach full, then set off to Mitse army center. After two month's training, he finally thought he knew enough about fighting, and decided to go home. However, he also realized that army life was not for him. His four month term was just coming to an end. He decided he was going to seek out a new job.
After returning home to his shack, Demonsul stowed his uniform in a wooden box. In future, he would not wear it, but would keep his sword belted on, just in case. Thankful for the nearby iron edge, he calmly went to sleep.

Name: Karzun Demonsul
Height: 6.2'
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black

Build: Slim
Age: 18y 4m
Fighting - Journeyman

Gold: 25 coins (-5 bread)
Weapons: Ulen Iron Shortsword
Clothes: Civvies (?)

House: Shack
Stored in house:
Ulen Army Uniform
Job: None (army term ended)

09:59:16 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Delran left the Training Camp early in the morning. He went straight to the Academy and learned Journeyman Tactics. This took him all day. After learning the basics of tactics, he left the Accademy and went to the Army HQ, where he was enlisted in the military ranks as a Lieutenant, with 350 gold pay.
He then went home. On the way to his shack, he bought a bread to fill his stomach. After he got home he went to bed.

Name: Delran
Titles/Rank: Private of Serilian Army
Ocupation: Serilian Military - Lieutenant
Height: 6.1'
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 5 coins

Fighting - Journeyman
Tactics - Journeyman
Buildings: shack
Weapons: Serilian iron shortsword
Clothes: Serilian Army Uniform

14:27:12 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Salaracen The Frostwaken:

After two months of hard intensive training Salaracen could finally see some progress in his skill on the battle field.

Name: Salaracen Vineraven
Height: 8'
Weight: 121 lbs.
Hair color: Raven Black
Eye color: milky blue
Build: Slim
Age: 18 and 2 months

Gold: 10 coins
Buildings: Shack
Weapons: Serilian Iron short sword
clothing: Serilian Army Uniform
Fighting - Journeyman

15:50:34 Nov 25th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

[[OOC: Also, if you join the army and take part in a campaign, you will gain a fighting skill point, and you might even learn tactics.]]

Septim shows up for his first day of work happily and ready to change the world, though since he is not experienced, Septim is put under the Head Diplomat, Caran Hasildor. After a full day of doing the Head Diplomat's work for him, Septim returns home, picking up a steak on the way. After eating, he goes for a swim and goes to bed.

Name: Validus Septim
Titles/Ranks: Private of the Serillian Army
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Age: 18 (everybody starts off at age eighteen...)
Gold: 390 coins
Fighting - Journeyman
Oration - Journeyman
Weapons: Serillian iron shortsword
Clothing: Serillian Army uniform]]

17:42:31 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Wake up, wash self, buy bread, eat bread. It had been two months since Demonsul had found a job. Luckily, those tow months were not in vain, as a notable Scholar was in need of an assistant, and had heard of Demonsul's search for an occupation. Gladly signing up, Demonsul got to work fetching, carrying, and learning to read while his master wasn't needing him. The scholar was pleased at this, and recommended a number of books he had made for when Demonsul was skilled enough, such as The Techniques of Avason, which Demonsul thought he would find dull.

Name: Karzun Demonsul
Height: 6.2'
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black

Build: Slim
Age: 18y 6m
Fighting - Journeyman
Reading - Novice

Gold: 40 coins (+20 job, -5 bread)
Weapons: Ulen Iron Shortsword
Clothes: Nondescript

House: Shack
Stored in house:
Ulen Army Uniform
Job: None Scholar's assistant (1/2 for Journeyman Reading)

02:35:10 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Delran woke up in the morning, put on his uniform and headed for the Serilian Army HQ. There an athletic Major was waiting for him.
"Lieutenant Delran, I heard that you have just joined us. Very well! You will be give command of a platoon, it has 50 soldiers and 2 sergeants. They wait for you outside of the city. Take them and go train them. I believe you do know how to do it!"
"Yes Sir! I know how to train them! At the academy they thought us that!"
Delran went searching for his platoon outside the city walls. He found them waiting for him. He split them into two groups, giving each sergeant 25 men. After this he took them on the field where he trained them in the usage of their weapons them played a little war game with them:One unit would hold a position and the others mision was to capture it.
Was it was almost evening, Delran took his soldiers to the barracks and headed for his shack. On the road he stopped to buy some red meat. After eating it he went for a swim. He got home late in the evening and got into bed.

Name: Delran
Titles/Rank: Lieutenant of Serilian Army
Ocupation: Serilian Military - Lieutenant
Height: 6.1'
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 340 coins

Fighting - Journeyman
Tactics - Journeyman
Buildings: shack
Weapons: Serilian iron shortsword
Clothes: Serilian Army Uniform

[OOC: How many PP do we get for the two days service as a soldier? And if I have journeyman tactics and play chess, do I have a chance to get to Veteran?]

05:17:39 Nov 26th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

[[OOC: You don't get any PP for being a soldier. You mainly get PP from battles, great deeds, and making cities. Right now only one of those options are open to us, the first war'll be tomorrow.]]

07:00:04 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Salaracen The Frostwaken:

[[OOC: Does it matter what area I'm in? I dont particularly want to be in the same country as someone else.]]

10:14:24 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Delran:

[OOC: Like it or not, me, Septim and you are in the same country. And you are in the Serilian Army, just like me.]

15:16:39 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Salaracen The Frostwaken:

As the final day of Salaracen's service ended, Sal went over to the Academy. Upon leaving the Academy he had learned how to Read. Salaracen then went to the nearest University and applied for the job of Scholar, in which he would receive 400 gold every 2 months.

Name: Salaracen Vineraven
Occupation: Scholar
Height: 8'
Weight: 121 lbs.
Hair color: Raven Black
Eye color: milky blue
Build: Slim
Age: 18 and 4 months

Income: 400/ 2 months
Gold: 410 coins
Buildings: Shack
Weapons: Serilian Iron short sword
clothing: Serilian Army Uniform
Fighting - Journeyman
Reading- Journeyman

15:33:41 Nov 26th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

[[OOC: Eventually countries will start going to war, and I like to do wars in one post, but I can't do that if you're in another country...]]

15:46:28 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Salaracen The Frostwaken:

[[OOC: Ahhh I see,  Serilia it is then.]]

18:54:03 Nov 26th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

[[OOC: Will post my post and the battle later.]]

19:59:10 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul had been working for the Scholar for two months, and it had all gone wrong. One day, after his daily bread, Demonsul had accidentally dropped a pile of books into the fire. Quickly collecting his wage, Demonsul ran out of the Scholar's house before he noticed his mistake. However, he just had enough time to grab Basic Tactics on his way out. It wasn't technically his, but he might as well take it. He knew that the Scholar had more than one copy, and he'd think he just burned it. It was also the only book Demonsul could understand and was interested in.
Later that week, Demonsul read Basic Tactics from cover to cover. he had not gone near the Scholar's house, preferred restaurant or market in case he was there and recognized him. However, he also found a new job. He knew there were none in the city, so he headed out into the nearby country. Happening across a rich noble of some kind, he stepped out to greet him. The noble took one look at his sword in it's sheath and shouted, "I don't want any trouble, alright! Take this and go!" and promptly threw a bag of money at Demonsul, before driving quickly away before Demonsul could protest.
And that is why Demonsul decided to become a highwayman.
Although he never did pick up that first bag of coins...who knows where that ended up.

Name: Karzun Demonsul
Height: 6.3'
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black

Build: Slim
Age: 18y 8m
Fighting - Journeyman
Reading - Journeyman
Tactics - Journeyman

Gold: 55 coins (+20 job, -5 bread) (highwayman not yet paid out)
Weapons: Ulen Iron Shortsword
Clothes: Nondescript

House: Shack
Stored in house:
Ulen Army Uniform
Job: Highwayman

20:25:29 Nov 26th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

[[OOC: Everybody who chooses to fight a guerilla war against Helvon recieves 2000 gold, 5 PP (knight title), and an officer's rank in the Serillian Military (Lieutenant). Delran gets Captain as he was training in tactics. Serillian officers get longswords as well. Also, don't forget to add a year to your age, this war took a year to fight.]]

Septim got up, went to work, and walked to the store. After eating some red meat, he heard the town bell ringing. He quickly ran to his home and buckled his blade before running to the compound. Helvon was invading.


After a battle for the city, Serillian forces were forced to retreat. Many soldiers changed out of their uniforms and decided not to fight, but a select few would not stand for it. They began a guerilla war against Helvon, and after a one year war, they retook their country at last with the help of their new ally, Ulen. The Patriots, as the Serillian Rebellion called themselves, were each knighted and given two thousand gold coins each. And after a long guerilla war, they were all journeymen in tactics and veterans at combat.

Name: Validus Septim
Titles/Ranks: Lieutenant of the Serillian Army, Patriot of Serillia
PP: 5
Occupation: Diplomat
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Age: 19 (everybody starts off at age eighteen...)
Gold: 2775 coins
Fighting - Veteran
Oration - Journeyman
Tactics - Journeyman
Weapons: Serillian Officer's Sword (longsword)
Clothing: Serillian Officer's uniform]]

20:50:45 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

*fall over

Make a war I can participate in, or I will be miles behind...

22:26:32 Nov 26th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

[[OOC: Non-soldiers can still be Freedom Fighters...]]

01:11:50 Nov 27th 08 - Mr. Delran:

After the battle for Seris, where the Serillian army was forced to retreat, Delran was left with only 30 men and one sergeant. When he saw that many of his comrades, soldiers and officers, dropping their uniforms and heading for their homes, Delran assembled his unit.
"Men, we have lost a battle and our capital, but not the war. I am giving you a chance to go home in peace. You will not be charget with desertion if you do that. The remaing men will come with me. We will fight Hervon with all resources available. It will be a guerilla war."
"Sir, you lead us in battle and you were always there for us! We will never abbandon you! We will all come with you!"
Delran's unit continued the fighting agains Hervon. They ambushed their colums and supply lines. After many month Ulen decided to help Serillia and entered the war. With the help of Ulen's armies, Serillia was liberated. For his actions Delran was promote to Captain. Durin the guerilla war, he learned veteran tactics an fighting. After the war he and his men received 2000 gold coins and Delran was knighted.

Name: Delran
Titles/Rank: Captain of the Serillian Army, Patriot of Serillia
Ocupation: Serillian Military - Lieutenant
Height: 6.1'
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Age: 19
Gold: 2650 coins

Fighting - Veteran
Tactics - Veteran
Buildings: shack
Weapons: Serillian Officer Sword (longsword)
Clothes: Serillian Officer Uniform

16:30:19 Nov 27th 08 - Mr. Delran:


17:20:45 Nov 27th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

"I now name you Sir Validus Septim, arise Sir Knight," said Emperor Garon Serillius, the recently freed Ruler of Serillia.
"Thank you, your majesty," said Septim.
In the ceremony, many were knighted, and a few hours later, Septim went home and went to bed.


During the Guerilla W*beep*ptim had been both a negotiator and a soldier, but now he felt that he must learn to read in order to succeed. So, for one thousand gold, he spent the month learning to read under an instructor. Afterwards, he ate red meat and went home to sleep.

Name: Validus Septim
Titles/Ranks: Lieutenant of the Serillian Army, Patriot of Serillia, Knight of Serillia
PP: 5
Occupation: Diplomat
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 19 (everybody starts off at age eighteen...)
Gold: 1775 coins
Reading - Journeyman
Fighting - Veteran
Oration - Journeyman
Tactics - Journeyman
Weapons: Serillian Officer's Sword (longsword)
Clothing: Serillian Officer's uniform]]

18:07:08 Nov 27th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul was having a fair time as a highwayman. He was seeing more gold than ever before, and had only seen it necessary to fight once, and that was against a fat noble who regarded himself above everyone. He lost that attitude the moment his hand came off, and he had happily contributed 100 gold to help Demonsul advance his career.
After earning a decent income, Demonsul bought an Iron Longsword, which helped persuade nobles to part with their gold a lot easier. He was still getting by on mainly bread, but had big plans. This job was only temporary...

Name: Karzun Demonsul
Titles/Ranks: None
PP: 0
Height: 6.3'
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black

Build: Slim
Age: 18y 10m
Fighting - Journeyman
Reading - Journeyman
Tactics - Journeyman

Gold: 125 coins (+375 job, -5 bread, -300 Iron Longsword)
Weapons: Iron Longsword
Clothes: Nondescript

House: Shack
Stored in house:
Ulen Army Uniform
Ulen Iron Shortsword
Job: Highwayman

[Freedom fighter? How do you get to be that?]

18:23:33 Nov 27th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

[[OOC: The word "Big plans" gave me an idea, do a big heist, that'll give you 5 PP and 2000 gold. Along with the Ringleader title!]]

18:41:05 Nov 27th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[Gladly! Can I skip 2 months ahead to catch up with you and do that quickly?]

It had been a year since he came to this land. Demonsul looked back across those memories fondly. It was time to see if he had learned enough.
Walking into the medium-sized village, Demonsul strolled towards the village hall. His sword was strapped under his cloak. With any luck he wouldn't need it. Once inside the town hall, he walked calmly down into the storeroom. When the guards questioned his presence, he told them he had come to take some gold up to the meeting chamber on the chief's orders. They let him past, and once inside the village strongroom, gathered all the gold into a big sack.
He had slung the sack over his shoulder and was starting to walk out, when one of the guards came in. "Hang on, why did the chief want all the money out of the strongroom?" he asked. Demonsul thought for a second. "I believe he wants to show off the village's wealth," he replied. As the guard turned to walk out, he saw that not just some, but all of the gold was in Demonsul's sack. "Wait a second..." he began, but was cut off when the flat of Demonsul's longsword hit him on the head, knocking him out.
On the way out, he nodded to the other guard. "Your friend in there tripped over the strongroom's door frame, you ought to go and see if he's okay." as the guard turned to see to his comrade, Demonsul knocked him out as well, and began to briskly walk away from the village hall.
He was well out of the city before anyone noticed he was gone, and by then he had managed to hide all the gold he had stolen under some of his shack's floorboards.
Demonsul decided to go to the academy. With all his new found wealth, he could afford to take further classes in combat, and that would hopefully improve his earnings, and he also bought a chainmail shirt, as life insurance.

Name: Karzun Demonsul
Titles/Ranks: Ringleader
PP: 5
Height: 6.3'
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black

Build: Slim
Age: 19y
Fighting - Veteran
Reading - Journeyman
Tactics - Journeyman

Gold: 1895 coins (+375 job, -5 bread, +2000 Big Heist, -300 combat training, -300 Iron Chainmail Shirt)
Weapons: Iron Longsword
Armor: Iron Chainmail Shirt

House: Shack
Stored in house:
Ulen Army Uniform
Ulen Iron Shortsword
Job: Highwayman

[Once again, thank you!]

02:39:55 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Delran:

The next day after becoming a knight, Delran went to the Imperial HQ. There a Colonel told him that he will receive a company to command. In addition to his remaining me, Delran would receive 70 soldiers, 3 sergeants and 2 lieutenants. Delran took command of his company and took them in the field for training. He released them in the afternoon and headed for his home. On the road he stopped to eat some red meat and took a swimm. Then, he sold his old shortsword for 200 gold. When he arrived home he went to sleep.

Name: Delran
Titles/Rank: Captain of the Serillian Army, Patriot of Serillia, Knight of Serillia
Ocupation: Serillian Military - Captain
Height: 6.1'
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Athletic
Age: 19
Gold: 3535 coins

Fighting - Veteran
Tactics - Veteran
Buildings: shack
Weapons: Serillian Officer Sword (longsword)
Clothes: Serillian Officer Uniform

08:20:51 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Salaracen The Frostwaken:

In the last 4 months Salaracen had worked as a Scholar and helped liberate the city from the grips of the enemy nation of the Helvon.
After his knight hooding, Salaracen went and continued his work as a Scholar.
Late after work one day Salaracen noticed that he had a lot of money, so he went and bought 5 acres of land, with that land he decided to farm it.

Name: Salaracen Vineraven
Occupation: Scholar
PP: 5
Height: 8'
Weight: 121 lbs.
Hair color: Raven Black
Eye color: milky blue
Build: Slim
Age: 18 and 4 months

Income: 600/ 2 months
Gold: 2210 coins
Buildings: Shack
Weapons: Serilian Iron short sword
clothing: Serilian Army Uniform
Fighting - Journeyman
Reading- Journeyman

10:31:43 Nov 28th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

Now able to read and write, Septim returned to the academy once again to study Veteran Oration. By the end of the month, he was a veteran of oration.

Name: Validus Septim
Titles/Ranks: Lieutenant of the Serillian Army, Patriot of Serillia, Knight of Serillia
PP: 5
Occupation: Diplomat
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 19 (everybody starts off at age eighteen...)
Gold: 1375 coins
Reading - Journeyman
Fighting - Veteran
Oration - Veteran
Tactics - Journeyman
Weapons: Serillian Officer's Sword (longsword)
Clothing: Serillian Officer's uniform]]

12:51:18 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

After another two months worth of work, Demonsul was surprised at the rate he was gaining money from his job. He decided that he had to do something with it soon, bread and combat training was not enough...

Name: Karzun Demonsul
Titles/Ranks: Ringleader
PP: 5
Height: 6.3'
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black

Build: Slim
Age: 19y 2m
Fighting - Expert
Reading - Journeyman
Tactics - Journeyman

Gold: 2115 coins (+1125 job, -5 bread, -900 combat training)
Weapons: Iron Longsword
Armor: Iron Chainmail Shirt

House: Shack
Stored in house:
Ulen Army Uniform
Ulen Iron Shortsword
Job: Highwayman
Income: 375 * fighting (3) = 1125

02:27:59 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Delran woke up and went to the barracks to pick up his company. He then took them on the field for another day of training. He brought them back in the afternoon and went to eat some bread and take as swim. He arrived home late a night and went to sleep.

Name: Delran
Titles/Rank: Captain of the Serillian Army, Patriot of Serillia, Knight of Serillia
PP: 5
Ocupation: Serillian Military - Captain
Height: 6.1'
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Athletic
Age: 19
Gold: 4220 coins

Fighting - Veteran
Tactics - Veteran
Buildings: shack
Weapons: Serillian Officer Sword (longsword)
Clothes: Serillian Officer Uniform

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